Saturday 13 October 2012

Task 1b Reader 1

Professional Communication Technology
How many times a day do you check facebook, your email, or twitter? These are just some examples of Web 2.0 that we use everyday! Have you realised how much has communication and technology developed? Sometimes I just wonder how people managed to survive without all these important for us smart phones and google maps in the past...
How lucky are we to be able to surf and find information about absolutely any subject, share it, comment on it and the list goes on and on... But whether the information is truth or not is only up to you to find out. You can't depend on google or wikipedia for example; searching in depth the author of the article and specific valid sources of infofmation at the biography section is crucial for your image as a professional. On the other hand if it's personal information you want to write about then that's up to you if you want to share it with others!

 So it's true! Technologie and Networking have changed the nature and ways of how we work and the way we collaborate with others. In the past we only had Web 1.0 which only gave us the opportunity to have one to one communications between the creator and the reader. This meant putting forward less ideas and suggestions which wasn't practical or easy to reach by others. Web 2.0 on the other hand gave the green light for the reader and creator to interact but also the reader to become the creator. This means the users are able to make formal and informal connections, share information, anylise different views and opinions and be critical.

Web 2.0 gave us the chance to:
-choose ( how our platform looks, who we follow, download and share info with)
- make succesful building of relationships and democratisation of media
- easily engage with communities
- take control of production and access othe people's data
- freedom to access and interact

What more could we ask for? We have all the facilities and freedom  to build and develop a community that can be used beyond our existing professional networks and offer a social space for people to come together as equals, as generators of ideas.

Here is one; (online system) the Glorious Facebook!

This is just one of the systems that supports Collective Intelligence and here I will explain the benefits of the idea.

1. Generates Self-Service, Problem Solving Discussions On Internet

2. It's a Search Engine

3.Intelligent users can use it in their favor and match to online question/ answer pairs. This way they help the system learn when they provide intelligent feedback about Which Documents were Effective at Addressing Their Problems!

4. How clever is a system that Recommends things to you that it Believes You May Like?- Very!!
    And it does that by connecting and interacting with other sites You Use to Increase its Understanding of  You as a User and a Creator!- Incredible!!
5. And last but not least FB relies on the Users Intelligence to make itself Better.

Now we all have the chance to use the Web 2.0 for the BAPP course, comment and share ideas and officialy become masters of the system!


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